Otranto, the site of the Conference, is a tourist town in Apulia, in the Province of Lecce (Italy).
Known as the 'Gateway to the East' ('Porta d'Oriente'), Otranto is situated on the most eastern point of Italy and of its 'heel',
the Salento Peninsula, a connection in the heart of the Mediterranean between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas.
The name and origin of Otranto come from the first greak colonization which made from this city a bridge between East and West Mediterranean.
Otranto (Romans' Hydruntum) is a town of art and a place full of history, a meeting point among different ancient cultures.
Otranto has a inestimabile artistic patrimony but also an exceptional gentleness climate in every month of the year.
Moreover, Otranto has been recognized by Legambiente and awarded for three consecutive years (2002, 2003, 2004) the first prize among the most beautiful and clean beaches of Italy.
In Otranto past and present harmoniously coexist and create a unique atmosphere.
The main town of Salento Peninsula is Lecce (40 km far from Otranto), a beautiful place also known as the 'Florence of the South'.
To see more about Otranto, its history and its beautiful places,
visit the website Otranto nel mondo.